Vijana Pambana Pata Maendeleo Rukwa-VIPAMARU
Vijana Pambana Pata Maendeleo Rukwa (VIPAMARU) is a youth leading and serving is Non-governmental organization with its head office at Sumbawanga Municipality in Rukwa region. The organization was registered on 2/12/2011 under the Act of non-governmental organization of 2002 with the registration No. 16NGO/00005058 in operating their work in Rukwa region and on 30 July 2021 issued new registration under the Act of non-governmental organization of 2002 with the registration No. 00NGO/R1/0025 in operating their works in Tanzania mainland. The core services areas offers are categorized in threes domains which include youth empowerment, children issues and Gender Based Violence. Firstly, Youth empowerment which focus on economic related; Health issues in particularly Sexual and Reproductive Health’s (SRH) through offering the youth education; Advocating legal frame works and inclusion of youth on nation and international program. Secondly, Children issues, includes Early Childhood Development (ECD) and advocating legal framework patterning to children; Thirdly Gender Based Violence which includes includes ; Strengthening the system of responding, refer and protecting Incidents of Gender Based Violence affecting women and child and Fighting against cultural and institutional inequality that acceralating the gender based violence.
Thematic Areas