Tanzania Youth Vision Association

Tanzania Youth Vision Association [TYVA] is a youth-led, non-partisan, non-profit, non-governmental, and membership-based organization founded on 29th July 2000 and registered with a registration number [S.O NO.11454] and got new registration under the new NGO Act of 2018 (00NGO/R2/000425) to work as Non-Governmental Organization focusing on youth awareness raising and empowerment. TYVA defines youth as aged 16-30, which concentrates much on bringing up and creating opportunities for them. The Organization was formed to fill a gap of a strong youth organizations and to address the challenge of poor youth involvement and participation. It aims at capacity building of youth and youth organizations in civic and social-economic spheres, focusing on bringing about self-realization and empowerment of young people in Tanzania.

Thematic Areas

  • Policy and Law Advocacy


To see a free, just, democratic, and peaceful society, in which there is active and effective youth participation.
TYVA is dedicated to promoting empowerment and self-realization of young people through mounting awareness raising, capacity building, and networking programs that are youth cantered, gender-sensitive environmentally friendly and readily accessible to vulnerable youth


Constitution Youth Engagement Project (COYEP), was a six-month project that was intended to mobilize youths` voices in Tanzania toward the constitution change. In this project, we organize different activities so that to raise awareness in the community and encourage the government to take action by fasted the process of getting a new constitution that includes youth interests or rights, especially the rights in political and decision-making structures.