Center For Youth Dialogue (CYD)

Center For Youth Dialogue (CYD)

The Center for Youth Dialogue is an evolving Non-Government Organization that was officially registered on 8th of September 2014 with registration number 2309 under Zanzibar Societies Act Number 6 of 1995. On August 2019, CYD was re-registered under Business Entities Registration Act No.12 of 2012 and assigned new registration number Z0000040603. CYD is searching for collective efforts to empower, support and advocates for youth development in Zanzibar and around the world.

Thematic Areas

  • Democracy and good governance


Center for Youth Dialogue is envision to peaceful and prosperous society whereby all people especially youth, hold the power to access and create socio-economic opportunities and healthy environments for themselves and for for others.
CYD is committed to promoting peace, security and social cohesion, advancing good governance and human rights, empowering youth and women economically, and promote climate action.


CYD was involved in: 1. Advocacy for blue, green, digital and creative economies under youth thematic group. 2. Laws and Policies advocacies in Zanzibar.