WoteSawa Domestic Workers Organization
WoteSawa is non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Mwanza, Tanzania. The organization has two branches offices Kasulu Kigoma region and in Ngara Kagera region. WoteSawa is registered in Tanzania under the Non – Governmental Organizations Act, 2002 with registration number 00NGO/0009377. WoteSawa started as a group of Domestic Workers and in 2012 it was formally registered as a domestic worker in Tanzania. The word “WoteSawa” is derived from Swahili language which literally means “All equal”. WoteSawa was established by child domestic workers who refused to remain silent and decided to take a bold step to advocate for their own basic rights. The organization is implementing SDGs Goal agenda 2030 (mainly SDGs 8 and 16) and NPA-VAWC 2017/2018-2021/2022. It focuses on advocating for the rights of Domestic Workers and counter human trafficking particularly child trafficking. The contingent beneficiaries of our organization are Domestic Workers and Employers. The secondary beneficiaries are the parents and community members.
Thematic Areas