Green Community Initiatives

Green Community Initiatives (GCI) is the Non-Governmental Organization registered under the Non-Governmental Organizations Act number 24 of 2002 as amended from time to time and issued registration Certificate with registration number 00NGO/R/1265 on 20th August 2020 with a mandate to operate in Tanzania Mainland. GCI is headquartered in Shinyanga Municipality, Shinyanga Region, Tanzania with strategic sub offices in Kigoma, Simiyu and Geita Regions. The overall goal of the organization is to contribute towards realization of improved quality of life, resilient communities and social wellbeing of all children, girls, youths, women, elderly people and people living with HIV/AIDS and other disadvantaged groups in Tanzania. Its core activities are; - Primary Healthcare and Education (HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, family planning counselling, awareness regarding sexually transmitted disease, Covid-19); Awareness, Advocacy and Capacity Building (Awareness and advocacy for different social, sexual reproductive health and rights and economic issues, Capacity building to disadvantaged groups); Human Rights protection and promotion (women, children, special children, minorities, and socially excluded groups); Women Empowerment (economically, socially and politically through social mobilization, enhancement of their skills, leadership mentorship, introduction of new skills and occupations); Inclusive education support (Formal and or Non-formal); Environmental and Climatic Change Control; and Micro-Enterprise Development (skill development, income generation).

Thematic Areas

  • Environment Conservation and climate change adaptation
  • Child protection and Health promotion
  • Community sensitization
  • Livelihood
  • Health
  • Gender based
  • Human rights


GCI envisions a community that is empowered to realize their rights, have control of their own development and live better lives.
GCI exists to promote the rights of children, Youths, Women, Elderly, People with disabilities and People living with HIV/AIDS and other disadvantaged groups through awareness raising, Capacity building, advocacy and service delivery.


GCI has successfully implemented the "Acha Ukatili" project, focused on combating gender-based violence (GBV) and violence against women and children (VAWC) through data-driven advocacy. We collected and analyzed data on GBV incidents to inform our interventions, raise awareness, and influence local policies. Our efforts included community workshops, awareness campaigns, and collaboration with local authorities to ensure evidence-based solutions. Additionally, we conducted a positive parenting skills development project called "TUWALINDE" in Shinyanga District, here we engaged local leaders and key influencial people to advocate for better parenting practices and increasing child protection while reducing child violence in the community.